You know how your marketing pieces are born. You have an intimate knowledge of how they are designed, produced, and mailed. But what happens once they reach your customer’s door?… ...Read More


Are You Maintaining Customer Trust?
Whether your 1:1 campaigns include print, email, or mobile, one of the most important topics in the world of 1:1 marketing is the need to maintain customer trust. This means… ...Read More

Do People Learn Better in Print?
The debate has been raging for a long time — which is more effective? Print or email? If you want people to understand and retain information, studies consistently show that… ...Read More

5 Reasons to Beef Up Your Visual Content
Is your marketing content heavy on the text? Or graphics? If it’s the former, you might want to change your strategy. Today’s marketing content, whether in print or electronic media,… ...Read More

What Could a Redesign Do for You?
When was the last time you took a close look at the design of your marketing collateral? How about your statements and invoices? Is there unused white space that you… ...Read More

Avoid These Top 5 Typography Mistakes
When you are putting your best foot forward, it’s important to pay attention to the details. Details can make the difference between looking like everyone else and really standing out.… ...Read More

A Deep Clean
Spruce up your database for a significant savings on mail. Postal rates got you down? Tempted to cut back on mailing to protect the budget? Don’t compromise this critical customer… ...Read More

Playing to Win!
Think multichannel marketing is still an option? Not anymore. We live in a world in which 94% of consumers have their cellphones within arm’s reach, and 65% of email is… ...Read More

Attract More Customers
Direct mail plays a major role in all areas of the customer lifecycle, but is most important to the acquisition stage,” says David McRae, managing director of data and technology… ...Read More