3 Ways to Use Psychology to Boost Results Today
Studies have shown that simple techniques related to human behavior can boost the results of marketing campaigns significantly. Here are three techniques that are particularly simple and easy to implement.
1. Set minimums.
Set a minimum purchase or, if you’re fundraising, a minimum donation. In research done for the American Cancer Society, Robert Cialdini found that, by adding a minimum to the call to action increased donations by 78%.
2. Use the power of labels.
People tend to be become who they are labeled to be. If you label someone a “power donor,”or if you’re a bakery, a “strudel lover,” for example, recipients tend to see themselves this way and act accordingly. This is supported by a behavioral study examining voting patterns. Researchers found that people randomly labeled as “politically active” were 15% more likely to vote.
3. Make it urgent.
It’s easy to delay making a purchase, so reduce attrition by adding deadlines to motivate your audience to action. “Three days only!” is more powerful than “Act now!”
It might be hard to comprehend how such simple wording changes could pay such huge dividends, but repeatedly, the studies show that they do.
Based on data drawn from “10 Ways to Increase Conversions Using Psychology [Infographic]” from HelpScout.