Convertible Solutions expand activities in Eastern Europe

Convertible Solutions is now available through the Eastern European countries affiliates of Papyrus.
Our pre-converted stock Convertible Solutions, rebranded (from Papyrus) as “DigiGold Convertible” has been launched in Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Please find the local contact adresses below:
Mrs. Mirijana Herceg
Papyrus Croatia d.o.o.
Rakitnica 2,
HR – 10000 Zagreb
Tel: +385 1 2499 330
Fax: +385 1 2499 337
E-mail: info.hr@papyrus.com
Czech Republic
Mr. Ivan Petranek
Papyrus Bohemia s r. o.
Distribucní centrum D1 East
Na Dlouhém 80
CZ-25101 Rícany u Prahy – Jažlovice
Czech Republic
Tel: +420 323 612 511
Fax: +420 323 612 522
E-Mail: info.cz@papyrus.com
Mrs. Ildiko Kantor
Papyrus Hungária Zrt
Vasút u. 11
HU-2040 Budaörs
Tel: +361 452 98 00
Fax: +361 340 39 23
Email: info.hu@papyrus.com
Mr. Auzelis Kaspars
Papyrus SIA
Katlakalna street 11C
LV-1073 Riga
Tel: +371 7 31 30 22
Fax: +371 7 31 22 68
Email: info.lv@papyrus.com
Mr. Arnoldas Baniunas
UAB Papyrus Lietuva
Taikos pr. 106
LT-51170 Kaunas
Tel: +370 37 400 330
Fax: +370 37 473 836
Email: info.lt@papyrus.com
Mr. Patryk Sienkiewicz
Papyrus Sp. z o.o.
Domaniewska 41
Saturn building
PL-02-672 Warzawa
Tel: +48 22 449 02 00
Fax: +48 22 449 02 01
Email: info.pl@papyrus.com
Mrs. Zdenka Jelcicova
Papyrus s.r.o.
Suché mýto 1
SK-811 03 Bratislava
Tel: +421 2 54 64 51 11
Fax: +421 2 54 64 51 12
Email: info.sk@papyrus.com
Mrs. Josipina Kovacic
Papyrus Papir d.o.o.
Dunajska cesta 123
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Tel: +386 1560 8324
Fax: +386 1560 8328
Email: info.slo@papyrus.com
Papyrus is a paper and packaging merchant with a strong position in the European market, the graphical industry in particular. With merchant operations in 22 countries – Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and Switzerland – Papyrus is one of Europe’s leading paper merchants.
Papyrus with some 3,000 employees supports more than 65,000 customers by supplying a wide assortment of graphical paper, office paper, packaging products and consumables. All the things that contribute to an efficient, profitable business. Papyrus is represented locally both under its own brand name and as Schneidersöhne, Sihl+Eika, Scaldia, Classen-Papier and Geiger Papier. Although we operate under different merchant names, we have a one-company commitment to offer quality products, high service levels and superior logistical solutions.