Elements of a Successful Cross-Media Campaign
Want to energize your print campaign? Add demographic or psychographic segmentation and personalization.
Want to energize your print campaign even more? Combine print with other media to amplify its effect.
The most common cross-media campaigns these days are print and e-mail, but you might also want to consider banner ads, social media, SMS text messaging, search engine advertising and other avenues that complement print. Each will have different uses and benefits, depending on your marketing goals and the target demographic you are trying to reach.
Here are some basic rules to keep in mind:
1. Consistent branding across all media.
Different media have different requirements and limitations, so you aren’t going to be able to maintain 100% consistency all the time. But whenever possible, try to use the same images, color schemes, messaging and other elements across media.
2. Strategic application of media.
Know what role, specifically, each medium is supposed to play. If you are going to combine e-mail with print, what are you trying to accomplish? Are you trying to “prime the pump” for the print piece? Are you using e-mail as a follow-up? Maybe if you’re driving traffic to a campaign-specific website, you might want to consider Internet banner advertising in demographic “hot spots.” The key is to match the medium to the audience and the message so that each medium plays off the other’s strengths.
3. Appropriate matching of media to the audience.
Ensure that you use the right medium to communicate with each target audience.
Not all media are appropriate for every demographic. You’re not going to reach many senior citizens with SMS, for example. Plus, the mix is always changing.
For example, only teenagers and college students used to use Facebook, but increasingly professionals and businesses use it as well.
Identify your marketing objectives, and then ensure that each medium is the right one to accomplish those goals. Make sure that you match the medium to your demographic and your offer, and use it appropriately within the best practices of that medium.
There is a learning curve associated with multi-channel marketing, but the ability to amplify and reinforce your marketing message can be invaluable.