Meet the team – George Fry

As Executive Vice President, George Fry is an integral part of Convertible Solutions. His 49 years in the print industry gives him the tools to develop customers, helping them to grow their business, while also pushing Convertible Solutions growth. However, when we asked him what his FAVORITE part of the job was, he was quite sure that it was the afternoon naps, of which we have photographic evidence. George loves being spoiled by his wife (and ALL of us in the office pay for that!), as well as eating food that he has not prepared. He enjoys travelling with his family and between work and pleasure has been to 42 different countries. After his 2 children grew up and moved out, he proceeded to adopt 2 Chihuahuas, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, a Great Pyrenees, and a sheep which he won’t actually name. George regularly graces the office with his musical renderings and can sing anything from Rod Stewart to Minnie Riperton to Michael Martin Murphy with gusto.