QR Codes Can Bring Your Products to Life
What’s the hottest trend in marketing right now? Mobile and online video.
What’s the best way to capitalize on it? Print! When we think about QR Codes, we think about giving customers and prospects shortcuts to mobile landing pages that they can access anytime, anywhere, on their phones. But QR Codes are also one of the fastest, most effective ways to deliver online video. Use QR Codes to link your direct mail, sales letters, marketing collateral, and product packaging to consumers’ favorite type of content.
With the number of U.S. Consumers scanning QR Codes climbing (consistently, statistics show this in the 30–40% range), using QR Codes to link to mobile video is a “must” for any content marketing strategy.
QR-Codes-to-mobile-video brings your products to life. Using the print materials you are already creating, adding QR Codes can take viewers to different and exciting places that motivates them to action right now, right where they are.
Mobile video doesn’t need to be expensive or to use complex production techniques. A simple digital camera with video capabilities and some good lighting will do. Keep it simple, but professional. Upload to your YouTube channel and link with a QR Code on the appropriate print materials. Then watch your products come to life!
What types of mobile video content should you link to?
While the most popular content includes movies, news, and television shows, marketers can capitalize on consumers’ insatiable appetite for online video by linking to entertainment, social, and information videos related to their products and services.
- Show products in use, customer testimonials, installation or troubleshooting instructions.
- In the world of fundraising, provide “on-site” videos of where and how donations are being used.
- On anything, provide fun, surprising video clips, interviews, and funny content that people will want to share.
- QR-Codes-to-mobile-video brings your products to life. Using the print materials you are already creating, adding QR Codes can take viewers to different and exciting places that motivates them to action right now, right where they are.