The Summertime Marketing Opportunity
Have you ever noticed that your mailbox gets emptier in the summer? That retail POP displays don’t turn as frequently? As the weather heats up, marketing typically slows down. The good news is, as your competitors take a break from marketing, this opens a window of opportunity for you.
Summer is an excellent time to nurture leads and fine-tune your marketing strategies. With less in the mailbox, you get bigger bang for your buck, especially when your competitors are asleep on the job.
Here are three ideas for maximizing your impact:
1. Dive into the world of QR Codes. The U.S. Post Office regularly offers postal discount for marketers using QR Codes on their marketing materials, whether either inside or outside the envelope. If you’ve been mulling the opportunities offered by print-to-mobile strategies, now is the time to put them into action.
2. Crank up the volume. Do you need to update your mailing list? Been thinking about launching a customer newsletter or creating new in-store displays? Summer is a great time to invest in creative print marketing because the results will really stand out. Can you imagine your target audiences going to their mailboxes and finding nothing but a direct mail piece from you?
3. Invest in a redesign. Is your stationery looking a little outdated? Is your marketing collateral a little stale? Use this time to freshen up your image and bust out with something new!