5 Steps To Trustworthy Direct Mail Campaigns
People don’t just buy from companies they like. They buy from companies they find trustworthy. When you send out direct mail campaigns, it’s important to keep this in mind. Let’s look at five ways you can earn trust with your customers.
- Just the facts, ma’am – Joe Friday would have made an excellent direct mail marketer. There’s no need to embellish your product or service. Leave the extravagant claims and cheesy
superlatives to the late night infomercials. Make your headlines and body copy factual, back up your claims, and be specific so people know that you are representing the product accurately. You’ll be perceived as trustworthy very quickly.
- Write for your audience – People like to feel special and unique. If your marketing copy sounds generic, recipients won’t feel that your claims are genuine and that you don’t care about them. It’s hard to trust a company that is willing to sell anything to anybody whether they need it or not. Target your offers, marketing copy, and calls to action to each target audience specifically so they recognize your claims as true.
- Credible design – Design can be just as superficial and cheesy as marketing copy if done poorly. If you use five different fonts and clutter the design area with tons of images and an impenetrable sea of text, your piece will look unprofessional. If your design looks unprofessional, your company will be perceived as unprofessional. Avoid super tiny fonts because they make it look as if you are trying to hide something.
- Use real people – Customer testimonials are great for establishing credibility, but they have to be from real life people. Use names, locations, and pictures of smiling faces when possible. Assure readers that these are actual people, not customers you made up. A great place to start are the reviews and recommendations you have on your social media accounts (e.g. Facebook, Google Reviews, etc).
- Proofread your text – Spelling and grammar errors don’t make for a professional image. Have a professional editor or proofreader get a final set of eyes on your copy to ensure that there are no mistakes.
When it comes to direct mail, there are no shortcuts. Be sincere. Be credible. Present a great product from a company that people find trustworthy. Need more tips? We’re happy to help.