USPS Plans Six Mailing Promotions For 2013
The Postal Service is offering six 2013 mail promotions to help customers as they plan their marketing campaigns.
“These promotions are being planned for the coming year to help grow awareness of the ways in which technology can improve the effectiveness of direct mail,” said Domestic Products Vice President Gary Reblin.
The 2013 Mailing Services Promotions Calendar includes:
- March 1-April 30: The Mobile Coupon/Click-to-Call offer provides a postage discount for mailers who integrate hard-copy coupons and mobile technology in direct mail.
- April 1-June 30: The Earned Value Reply Mail offer provides a postage credit to customers for each returned First-Class Mail Business Reply or Courtesy Reply envelope that can be scanned in the postal network.
- Nov. 1-Dec. 31: The Mobile Buy-it-Now offer provides mailers with a postage discount for combining technology with direct mail for holiday shopping.
Aug. 1-Sept. 30: There will be three USPS promotions:
- The Emerging Technologies offer — provides an upfront postage discount
for customers who integrate specific emerging technologies with their mail
- The Picture Permit offer — promotes the use of Picture Permit imprint
indicia by waiving the Picture Permit fee.
- The Product Samples offer — provides mailers with a postage discount on
qualifying mail that contains product samples.
For more information on these promotions, watch the Promotions and Incentives page on the RIBBS website for mailers.
Source: PCC Insider (USPS Postal Customer Council) e-newsletter December, 2012