Learn how to boost ROI by closely monitoring your results. You’ve worked hard to develop a powerful personalized direct mail campaign. The piece is beautiful. The colors are vibrant. You’ve… ...Read More


Are QR Codes Your Best Fundraising Tool?
Okay, QR Codes probably aren’t your best fundraising tool, but they certainly can be a critical part of the mix. Adding QR Codes to your fundraising letters, in-store displays, and… ...Read More

Follow the (Typesetting) Rules
There are many details of print design that separate the professional from the amateur. Understanding the rules of type is one of them. While headings, graphics, and logos can… ...Read More

Is Print Personalization a Gimmick?
Print personalization — you hear about it everywhere. Use printed pieces to talk directly to recipients based on name, gender, past purchase history, or other information to achieve higher response… ...Read More

Do Your Finishing Options Take the Cake?
You wouldn’t bake a cake without finishing it off with icing, would you? Neither should you create a printed piece without considering how to finish it off with one of… ...Read More

Why Paperless Is Not a Smart Move
All around us, we hear about the benefits of going paperless. When it comes to marketing, that may not be the best move. In a world of social media saturation… ...Read More

Make Your Direct Mail Stand Out
Every day, postcards, flyers, and other direct pieces and other printed material bombard us. How do you ensure that yours stands out in the crowd? Here are four highly… ...Read More

Don’t Let Paper Get Boring
Let’s look at how paper made a difference in these marketing campaigns. When it comes to grabbing customers’ attention, one of your most important tools is paper stock. It’s what… ...Read More

Don’t Skimp on Print
Tempted to shift marketing dollars to electronic media because it is less expensive? Think before you switch. While electronic media, including email, can be an important part of the mix,… ...Read More