Whether for print or email, best-in-class marketers are using personalization. Below are five metrics about personalization that you need to know. Best-in-class marketers use personalization. In its study “Analytics for… ...Read More


You Can Beat Out the Big Guys!
Pull in more customers by using everything you know about them. How much do you really know about your customers? If you know more than basic customer profile and purchase… ...Read More

Make It Funny—Make It Stick
Is your marketing funny? Maybe it should be. (At least sometimes.) Humor is a great way to differentiate your product or service, making your message memorable and increasing your visibility.… ...Read More

1:1 Campaigns Are Easier Than Ever
It used to be that, in order to create powerful 1:1 print campaigns, you had to be both a marketing wizard and a database master. No more. Today, the software… ...Read More

Are You Using the Code?
In case you haven’t noticed, QR Codes are everywhere. They are on a wide variety of printed products from Starbucks cups and Sun-Maid raisin boxes to National Football League… ...Read More

Creating a Sustainable Marketing Strategy
Maintain brand visibility and keep sales humming using techniques that are self-perpetuating. When you think about sustainability, what comes to mind? Recycling? Solar panels? LEED buildings and hemp-fiber carpets? While… ...Read More

Don’t Forget Your Call to Action
You’ve designed a terrific direct mail piece. You have high-quality graphics and are printing on premium stock. Your headline jumps out, your marketing copy rocks, and you’ve got multiple response… ...Read More

How Do Your Incentives Measure Up?
When prospecting, many marketers use some kind of incentive to boost response. “Come in early, and receive a discount!” “Log into your personalized URL to be entered into a sweepstakes!”… ...Read More

Personal Preferences
How well do you know your audience? Personalization is based on the use of data, but it’s important to keep in mind that data by itself doesn’t create relevance. That… ...Read More