You’ve designed a terrific direct mail piece. You have high-quality graphics and are printing on premium stock. Your headline jumps out, your marketing copy rocks, and you’ve got multiple response… ...Read More


How Do Your Incentives Measure Up?
When prospecting, many marketers use some kind of incentive to boost response. “Come in early, and receive a discount!” “Log into your personalized URL to be entered into a sweepstakes!”… ...Read More

Personal Preferences
How well do you know your audience? Personalization is based on the use of data, but it’s important to keep in mind that data by itself doesn’t create relevance. That… ...Read More

Boost Bottom Lines
Follow these best-in-class marketing principles and see sales soar. W e often hear people talking about “best in class” strategies and “best practices” that other marketers are encouraged to follow.… ...Read More

Test Everything!
If you are going to spend money to survey customers, append your database, or refine demographics on a purchased list, you want to make sure that these are variables that… ...Read More

Watch your sales soar with print!
As a marketer, would you rather use a channel that is inexpensive or that delivers results? If you said results, then you need print. The industry is ripe with data… ...Read More

What Green Really Means
Companies promote everything from carrots to cars as organic, all-natural, recycled, biodegradable, ozone-friendly and carbon neutral, with new terms introduced by marketing geniuses daily. This has created skepticism from… ...Read More

Just Try a Letter
When you are looking to get a great response to a print marketing campaign, have you ever considered just sending a direct mail letter? Marketing experts have begun to advocate… ...Read More

What on Earth is Good for Trees? Print!
We’re all used to hearing the phrase, “Go Green! Go Paperless!” But did you know that collective investment in paper-based products actually helps the environment? It’s true. The most valuable… ...Read More