Why the transition? Adobe claims that it was based on customer enthusiasm for Creative Cloud, combined with slowing sales of traditionally licensed software. The move is part of the company’s… ...Read More


Motivate Consumers with Print!
Print is the winner to get consumers to plan and make purchasing decisions. If you want to motivate people to take action on a marketing offer, get a… ...Read More

Elements of Award-Winning Campaigns
Have you ever wondered what goes into an award-winning marketing campaign? Sometimes it’s crackerjack marketing copy. Sometimes it’s stunning images. Increasingly, however, the elements that put these winning entries over… ...Read More

Want More Loyalty? Reward Your Customers!
Want more customer loyalty? Considering developing a loyalty program if you don’t already have one. Not only do loyalty programs help you hang onto those customers you’ve worked so hard… ...Read More

Direct Mail More Effective Than You Think
We’re used to hearing that the average direct mail response rate is 1.0% – 1.5%. But according to a new study from the Pew Research Center (“Internet and American Life… ...Read More

Get a Sales Lift!
Cross-selling to current customers builds relationships and increases profits. It is a well-known marketing adage that it’s easier and less expensive to sell more products to customers you have than… ...Read More

Personalization Creates 30% Lift
Looking for proof that personalization works? Consider the case of one historical museum that used personalization to create a lift in donations of 30% For the past decade, the… ...Read More

Drip Marketing: the Results Can Knock it out of the Park!
One of the topics we are hearing a lot about these days is drip marketing. Drip marketing is the practice of conveying your message by sending gentle marketing touches over… ...Read More

Smart Strategies for Maximizing Print
All around us, we hear about the benefits of going paperless. When it comes to marketing, that’s just not a smart move. When our inboxes are clogged with spam and… ...Read More