Top 3 2012 Marketing Resolutions
Another year has come and gone. It’s hard to believe that on Sunday morning, we’ll be living in the year 2012. With each new year, we all make resolutions, though they’re usually limited to personal resolutions. The first resolution for 2012? Take your marketing to the next level. In honor of Mr. New Year’s Eve himself, Dick Clark, a countdown of our top three resolutions for 2012.
3. Listen To Your Customers – So often, we get caught up in the message we want to deliver rather than focusing on what our customers want to hear. Monitor social media and don’t ignore the suggestions you get at conferences. Your marketing could go places you’ve never planned on, and reap rewards you’ve never dreamed of.
2. Sexy Doesn’t Always Win – Sometime before Valentine’s Day, you’ll hear about the latest and greatest social media network. You will hear how important it is for your business to have a presence on this network. Don’t fall for it. If your audience doesn’t respond to that network or even USE it, focus your efforts elsewhere. Do not waste your marketing dollars somewhere your customers aren’t paying attention to.
1. Mobile Marketing – Simply put, the way people consume the Internet is moving from their desktop to their pocket. Make sure you pay attention to strategies that reach your customers on their phones. Ignoring this trend in 2012 is a surefire way to miss valuable eyeballs.
What are your marketing resolutions for 2012