Spruce up your database for a significant savings on mail. Postal rates got you down? Tempted to cut back on mailing to protect the budget? Don’t compromise this critical customer… ...Read More
Author: David Williams
Playing to Win!
Think multichannel marketing is still an option? Not anymore. We live in a world in which 94% of consumers have their cellphones within arm’s reach, and 65% of email is… ...Read More
Attract More Customers
Direct mail plays a major role in all areas of the customer lifecycle, but is most important to the acquisition stage,” says David McRae, managing director of data and technology… ...Read More
What is Your Sweet Spot for Direct Mail?
When it comes to direct mail, it’s about great content. It’s also about timing and frequency. If you don’t mail enough, your results will go down. If you mail too… ...Read More
3 Ways to Use Psychology to Boost Results Today
Studies have shown that simple techniques related to human behavior can boost the results of marketing campaigns significantly. Here are three techniques that are particularly simple and easy… ...Read More
Can’t Touch This: 5 Reasons Online Can’t Replace Print
In a world in which people have already checked their email, logged into Facebook, and responded to a dozen text messages before they drink their first cup of coffee, what… ...Read More
Do You Know Your Buyers?
Whether you are communicating your message through direct mail, email, or marketing collateral, it’s critical to know your audience so you can tailor your marketing to each segment and increase… ...Read More
What Is Your Visual Brand?
When designing your print and e-media campaigns, think beyond products and services. Consider the impact of color for tapping visual recall. Use personal images direct from the heart of your… ...Read More
The 9-point Power Marketing Checklist
WANT TO MAKE YOUR MARKETING CAMPAIGNS THE MOST EFFECTIVE THEY CAN BE? Be sure you’re hitting all of the key marketing components. In addition to factoring in the list, the… ...Read More