How do you plan your print and multi-channel marketing campaigns? Do you trust your intuition? Or do you rely on data to inform your decisions about the most effective way… ...Read More


Drip by Drip
Nurtured prospects are higher-value prospects Lead nurturing is the process of “dripping” relevant information via print, email, or other channels to sales leads (or even new customers) over time. The… ...Read More

Are You Listening? Or Just Talking?
In your marketing communications, are you building relationship or just selling? What was your last mailing? Was it a catalog? Promotional offer? Sales letter? That’s one-way communication. True communication is… ...Read More

5 Tips for Getting People to Read Your Content
The buzz is all about content marketing these days. Direct mail, newsletters, white papers, social media, blogs. But more important than the channel used to deliver your content is the… ...Read More

Measuring Customer Engagement
Congratulations! Your print and multi-marketing campaigns have been highly successful and you have won lots of new customers. Now what? The next step is to keep those customers engaged so… ...Read More

What Print Can Learn From Infographics
Print design is starting to look more like infographics these days—and for good reason. Customers are busy, and when customers are busy, it’s often easier to absorb information in a… ...Read More

Creating Customer Personas
Whether you are printing your marketing and collateral materials using offset or digital, whether your documents are static or variable, customer personas are a critical piece of the marketing puzzle.… ...Read More

Five Steps to Maximizing Your Print Investment
We love print. We’re experts at it! But we also know that in addition to being tangible, credible, and attractive, print must be efficient and cost-effective to make it fly.… ...Read More