Communicate your needs in advance and achieve low-cost, high-return print marketing You can achieve great results with a smaller investment when your print marketing campaign is smart and well crafted.… ...Read More


Are You Taking Advantage of Coupons?
Are you taking advantage of the power of coupons? Storewide discounts and everyday low prices are great, but there is something about a coupon that people really like. Middle… ...Read More

Direct Mail Wins the “Trust” Battle Hands Down
Which channel do you think your customers trust more? Direct mail or email? When it comes to trust, the answer is direct mail—and it wins hands down. According to a… ...Read More

Tell it with an Infographic
You’ve heard the expression “a picture is worth a thousand words.” In today’s busy consumer culture, you can often get your point across more effectively in a visual form than… ...Read More

Delivering More For Less
Did you know that you could spend less on a direct mail campaign and actually see better results? It’s true. It’s not about marketing less. It’s about marketing smarter. Let’s… ...Read More

What’s Your Print-to-Mobile Strategy?
In today’s world of print marketing, multi-channel communications are a critical component of success. Taking your marketing message across multiple channels helps you cut through the marketing clutter in your… ...Read More

Hit Your Target with Direct Mail
Direct mail tops e-media for response rates, while email support increases success. It’s official . . . again. Direct mail delivers better response rates than electronic media. This is according… ...Read More

Direct Mail Design for a Digital Future
In a world dominated by electronic media, how can direct mail create a big bang for your buck? Convertible Solutions interviewed Patrick Fultz, founder and chief creative officer of the… ...Read More

Spice it Up!
Are you looking for ways to spice up your direct mail campaigns? Even if your response rates remain high, are you looking to freshen things up a little? Here are… ...Read More