Make the Right Move by Personalizing In a new study by Forbes Insights, 64% of brands strongly agree that data-driven marketing is critical in today’s hyper-competitive global economy. But it’s… ...Read More


Creative Customization
Proven Success with the Perfect Blend of Data Customization and targeting are best practices that every marketer should have in their back pockets. That means taking the data you have… ...Read More

5 Steps to Keeping Your Customers
Why do customers leave? For any number of reasons. They may choose a competitor because of price or dissatisfaction with your company. They may feel they get a better… ...Read More

Take Your Paper Greener
Did you know that paper is going green? Actually, paper has been green for some time, but paper manufacturers are making it even more so. Let’s look at some… ...Read More

3 Reasons Print Matters After All
Maybe it’s the thinning volume in the mailbox. Maybe it’s marketers’ drooping results after focusing on e-marketing as a replacement for print. Whatever it is, we’re seeing it more and… ...Read More

Data-Driven Marketing Is Critical to Success
According to a survey by Forbes Insights,1 64% of global marketers “strongly agree” that data-driven marketing is crucial to success within a hyper-competitive global economy. An additional 27% agree. This… ...Read More

It’s Not Your Father’s Packaging!
In case you haven’t noticed, packaging has changed. It does more than house the product. It has been a powerful marketing vehicle that represents the brand, speaks to individual demographic… ...Read More

What’s Your Video Strategy?
According to eMarketer, U.S. Video ad spending will nearly double from $7.7 billion this year to $14.4 billion in 2019. This growth is being largely fueled by mobile video, which… ...Read More

Mobile: Changing the Way Consumers Buy
Consumers are changing the way they make purchases, and mobile is one of the driving factors. For this reason, print-to-mobile technologies are becoming more important than ever. Although QR Codes… ...Read More