How To Create An Effective Integrated Marketing Piece
When you get home tonight and go through the mail, take a hard look at the direct mail pieces you’ve received. Is there anything there that jumps out at you or forces you to do more than a quick glance then put it in the garbage? Doubtful. We’re going to look at three ways to make sure that doesn’t happen to the next integrated marketing message that you send out.
- Call-To-Action – Give your audience something to DO. A QR code linked to an actionable page optimized for mobile devices; perhaps your order page, is a great example. We offer several different types of mailers that require the viewer to tear them open to get the whole message so it’s delivered in a unique way. Make your audience interact with your piece then drive them to where you want to interact with them. Your website, Facebook page, Flickr album, wherever.
- Marriage – Do not view your direct mail efforts, online marketing efforts, and traditional marketing efforts as three separate entities. These can, and should, all be tied together. Use your direct mail to push people to your website, use social media to push people to your open house, run a radio campaign about expecting your direct mail piece in your mailbox.
- Design – You can have the greatest information and content in the world, but if it’s not pleasing to the eye, it won’t matter. Take time to create a design that will inspire curiosity in your potential client. The physical design of your mailer is also important. Take a look through our product catalogs. Our pieces are designed to catch attention not only through the eyes, but through the fingers. They feel like nothing else your audience gets in the mail; and that will stop them in their tracks. Take a look at one of our sample pieces below:

Creativity in what your mailer looks and feels like will help get you the results you’re looking for. Contact us today to get started.