Online and Direct Mail Marketing: Partners
How many different ways do you use to spread the word about your Thanksgiving plans with your family? Phone? Email? Facebook? Twitter? Mail?
Coordinating your message across all these platforms is key to making sure Aunt Jenny brings her famous green bean casserole. Coordinating all of these is also the best way to ensure your business is successful.
Many people believe direct mail marketing is a thing of the past. There are several reasons to believe this is false.
- The Direct Mail Association forecasts spending on direct mail marketing to increase 3.6% annually through 2014
- A Epsilon study showed early this year 43% of consumers 18-34 prefer insurance information via mail
- 15% of all consumers who receive a catalog and 12% who receive at least a postcard and/or a flyer were more likely to do business on a company’s website.
There are many more reasons than just these three, but it’s the last one we’d like you to consider. You have to train your customers to do business with you where you want them to do business with you. If it’s on your website; tell them that via a medium they use every day. Mail! This is a proven technique that works and gets the results you want. Call us today to get started on your direct mail campaign.
Image of mailbox provided by FreeFoto.com