Business cards are the most fundamental piece of print marketing for any business. With virtually every company of every size handing out business cards, a unique business card can help… ...Read More


100% Recycled Paper Meets MultiLoft®
More and more, sustainability is at the forefront of consumer consciousness. Sustainability messaging in direct mail has increased sharply in recent years, and brand credibility with increasingly eco-conscious consumers benefits… ...Read More

Plastic Substrate Alternative: MultiLoft® Elements™ Terra14
Sustainability is a hot topic in printing, and consumers are more concerned with their “carbon footprint” than ever. One way the printing industry can address sustainability concerns is by finding… ...Read More

3 Direct Mail Trends in 2022
Direct mail is a tried and true marketing method, and even in an increasingly digital age, it outpaces digital channels in response rates. Combined with emerging technologies and increasingly refined… ...Read More

Sustainable Printing: The Elements™ Line of Papers
In recent years, concerns about sustainability are on the rise. More and more, customers are evaluating the eco-consciousness of the companies and brands they support. Sustainability messaging in direct mail… ...Read More

Loyalty incentives made with My Journey™ Cards
The My Journey™ Card is a great way to expand upon the standard business card, but it’s also a great product for loyalty incentives! Loyalty incentive promotions are a great… ...Read More

Make a Multi Page Business Card!
The business card is probably a business or representative’s most important print asset. However, it’s challenging to communicate everything you want to about yourself and your company on two sides… ...Read More

Introduction to MultiLoft®
MultiLoft® Technology is the foundation of Convertible Solutions’ innovative products. The proprietary “cohesive” coating allows you to create ultra-thick printed items and even combine substrates with different colors and finishes,… ...Read More

Product Spotlight – My Journey Cards™
Running out of space on your business card? It’s tough to tell clients and customers everything you want them to know about you and your company on just a small… ...Read More